That may be just enough moisture to allow the Mildew to grow.
Powdery Mildew is another lawn disease that is not normally fatal. It does discolour the blades and can be unsightly. Grass blades that are severely infected may turn yellow and die.
Often the mildew attacks the lawn because of the conditions in that location. If it is a shady area, increasing the amount of sunlight that penetrates will reduce powdery mildew. This can work if you trim a tree or shrub. The trimming may also increase air circulation in that area. Much harder to do much if the shade is caused by the garage or the house.
Lawn care disease treatments are not normally needed for powdery mildew on home lawns.
Overseed the affected area with a more shade tolerant turf species. Or perhaps, rethink the need for lawn in that spot and replace it with a shrub, mulch or ground cover.
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